German is out?
Jetzt kommt B. selber mal mit political correctness aus dem Busch, sonst nicht seine Art.
Immer öfter sieht er dutzendweise Sprachen auf irgendwelchen Anleitungen usw. – nur ausgerechnet deutsch nicht.
Mal sehen… was diese belgische Gefriergemüse-Krämerseele www.ardo.com zu B.’s E-Mail so meint…
Betreff : Complaint concerning discrimination of my language
Datum: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 16:31:28 +0100
Von: Ivo J. Bechtiger <ijb@ijb.ch>
An: info@ardo.com
Dear Sirs
I have bought one of your (fine) products, a China Mix, here in Malta.
I found that you print information on the package in 12 languages, including quite seldom and exotic ones like Bulgarian, Swedish, Letvian, Lithunian and Estnian.
Estonia has just 1,3 mio inhabitans, 28% of them Russian speakers.

German is spoken also in Austria, Switzerland Liechtenstein, even Belgium. Altogether 98 million people, see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Sprache#Sprecheranzahl.
I feel it very strange that you completely ignore my language and I do not think that this is politically correct.
Any historical resentments against Germany do not apply for me (as for all who were children or unborn 1945), my father was a Swiss soldier waiting 1944/45 with a loaded gun in a trench at the Swiss border to tell the Germans where Switzerland begins and Germany ends.
Verbreitung der dt. Sprache in der EU, Studie aus 2006 (Näheres siehe Wikipedia hier)
Schwarz: Sprachgebiet
Rot: je dunkler, desto mehr % der Bevölkerung sprechen deutsch

Die Rückseite ist vorbildlich mit ISO-Ländercodes beschriftet: EN, FR, SV, ES, PT, IT, RO, BG, RU, LT, LV, ET = 12 Länder/Sprachen, eine fast komplette Europakarte… krass zu kurz kommen die 200.000 Türken in Berlin – weil beide Sprache bzw. Länder fehlen 🙂
I would like to learn more about your attitude to the German language. It is no excuse if you do not sell this very product in German speaking countries as German speaking tourists are everywhere (like a plague sometimes…), and they do shopping all the time. If you intend to argue that everybody speaks English these days, you might as well eliminate the other 11 languages, too.
Awaiting your reply I remain,
Yours, Ivo J. Bechtiger
![]() |
Denk ich an Deutschland |
Comments welcome, äh, Kommentare willkommen, unten auf dieser Seite.
Dear Mister Bechtiger,
We thank you very much for your interest in the Ardo products and we are delighted that you appreciate them.
We looked with great attention into your question on the use of languages on our packaging and we understand your concern. Please find below our answer.
Ardo sells a big range of frozen vegetables, fruit & herbs worldwide. When commercializing our products, we have to take into account the EU-labelling rules that include linguistic regulations that apply to the packaging. These regulations state that the information should appear in a language that is easily understood by the consumers of the member state where a food product is marketed. We comply with this principle as the languages printed on our packaging correspond to the markets where we intend to sell our products.
The product you refer to, i.e. “China Mix”, is not intended to be sold in German speaking countries. Taking into account the foregoing there is no legal obligation to include the German language on the packaging for products intended to be sold amongst others in Malta.
We hope that this explanation below will answer your question and will take away any concern you may have and that you will continue buying the Ardo products in Malta or elsewhere.
Kind regards,
Nicole Wille
Sales Manager
T +32 51 335 560 | M +32 476 30 75 42
…immerhin, es kam eine Antwort.
Befriedigend ist sie nicht…
- we understand your concern – nett aber nicht hilfreich
- there is no legal obligation to include the German language – ohne Vorschriften gibts kein vernünftiges Verhalten?
- Ich will den Deutschen nicht helfen, stelle aber sachlich fest: sie sind die Zahler der gesamten EU…